Archangel Raphael the divine angel of healing an love

Archangel Raphael, healing angel, healing with the angels, who is the archangel Raphael, what does archangel Raphael do

Following on from our Introduction to the Archangels a few weeks ago, we’re going to be looking at each of the Archangels in greater detail, giving you some guidelines for recognising and connecting with them so that you can enjoy the enriching experience of having them in your life.

If you’d like to see the original post to get familiar with all of the Archangels first, you can read it Archangel Introduction

A quick note about religion

While Angels feature heavily in many religions, Angels themselves are spiritual and not religious. You don’t have to follow a particular religion – or any religion at all – in order to connect with Archangels.

Who is Archangel Raphael?

Archangel Raphael is the angel of healing and health, both physically and mentally, and is known as the Supreme Healer. Charged with the task of healing sentient beings on Earth, Archangel Raphael is reputed to be the patron saint of health workers, and when asked for assistance, may either heal directly or guide a person down the right path to seeking the healing they need.

When to ask Archangel Raphael for help

Archangel Raphael is there to offer assistance for healing of any kind – be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Anytime you need support or guidance with healing any kind of ailment you can call on Archangel Raphael. Bear in mind though that healing with angels may not provide an instant cure for all that ails you. You need to be open-minded and pay attention to the signs and signals Raphael may start showing you.

How to know whether Archangel Raphael is sending you messages

There are many ways that Archangel Raphael might try to get messages to you. Have you ever noticed that a random product catches your eye, even though you’ve never noticed it before? Does a particular ad keep showing up in front of you? Or have overheard a conversation where someone talks about how they got help for a health situation similar to the one you’re in? Maybe you’ve had a random dream that you can’t explain?

These are all signs that Archangel Raphael may have been trying to get a message to you.

Other ways he may try to communicate are through sounds (like a ringing in your ear), through unexplained warmth, or through colour – you may find yourself more drawn by the colour green, which is his colour and is now widely considered to be the auric colour of healing.

In most cases, these signs may be accompanied by a strong urge to take some action of some kind – usually related in some way to the health issue you’re trying to resolve.

How to communicate with the Archangel Raphael

As with Archangel Michael, getting in touch with Archangel Raphael can be as effortless as simply saying his name. When you ask Archangel Raphael for assistance, it helps to be clear about what you need help with so be specific in your request. And, of course, remember your manners – framing your request with a please and thank you lets Raphael know that you truly appreciate the assistance he is able to offer you.

While it really can be as simple as asking for help, if you’d really like to forge more of a connection with Archangel Raphael you can start by surrounding yourself with emerald green – either inside or out in nature. Try using green crystals such as aventurine, malachite or jade. Burn green candles if you can find them. Envision yourself being enveloped in healing emerald green light as you offer up your request to Archangel Raphael. Let him know that you’re open to receiving his messages and his healing.

And most importantly, keep asking for his help until your healing has taken place. You won’t annoy him by getting in touch repeatedly, but you will make sure that he knows you still need him.

For an Angel card reading

Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash