When beginning to learn how to connect spiritually and meditate I thought that it would be easy just like you seen in some guided meditations. One thing I thought was if I close my eyes my mind would slow down or be silent so I could hear things. But having an open mind to consciousness is an important key factor
How wrong I was when I started to meditate, I was thinking of things I needed to be doing like walking the dog or the shopping. I needed to go and meet a friend for a coffee. But very slowly after continuously practicing for a minimum of 5 minutes a day when I woke up and when I went to bed without fail. Over a few weeks, I began to just concentrate on my breathing listening to my body breathing in and out with my eyes closed. The mobile phone must be turned off as you don’t need distractions.
I have found over the years that meditation is not where you are now, but where you want to be. I have also found with a daily practice of meditation. Your connection to your higher self-awareness grows. With the benefit of connecting to higher spiritual beings like ascended masters (great teachers). I have found combining meditation with burning Sage or Palo Santo helps to clear energy that no longer serves you.
spiritual healing room ideas
Also setting up a sacred place so that when your mind enters this room or you sit down in front of this altar your body knows that you’re going to meditate. I set the Altar up with crystals that I have chosen over the years or if you understand the crystals that have chosen me lol.
With a few personal touches like earth elements, I have a candle for fire element. I have a small water bowl obviously for water. Crystals for earth element and a few feathers for the element of wind. Meditation will help you not give in to your emotions. It will help you let go of
the emotions or lower vibrations that are holding you back.
But in saying this it is not an easy road this takes time and patients. My personal choice is to meditate as soon as I’m awake not to turn on a mobile phone or turn the television on. Now I have combined my meditation with my spiritual development. I have found that my connection to the universe has grown. With this so has my personal development and emotional well-being helps to understand my stress
levels and my triggers.
I now meditate for approximately 40 mins in the morning and about 15 mins at night before I sleep. This has helped me also connect with angelic beings and open me to clairaudience which is hearing angelic beings. Clairvoyance seeing pictures in my mind or flashes of colour. Or seeing beings of light angels. Clairsentience is the ability to feel things in my body when I’m around others or doing a reading
for them. Also known as Clairempathy the ability to feel another person’s emotional feelings.
I often write things down when I am in this state of mind then later, I will look at this as it may help me to understand a task I’m doing or an issue in my life. I
hope this helps a few of you understand that meditation takes work a constant daily practice becomes a routine. The more you practice the better you get at
it like anything in life. Bless you, all. Namaste