Complementary Medical
Welcome to Divine Intervention Healing, we are so blessed and grateful you found our alternative therapy and spiritual guidance website. My personal spiritual awakening journey started many years ago. With a few near death experiances. I found a very strong connection to spirit or mother father god and mother earth. I found a connection to spiritual beings and ancestors from previous times that I could not explain with my logical brain.
I also found many synchronicitys with angel songs coming up over the raido, feathers appearing in some very unusual places. Also many other spiritual signs appearing like sequential numbers tripple numbers 11:11 or 333 or even 888 and 999. I knew I had to find out what these ment. so I started my path in taking courses from people that popped up in my life and social media, after I did a lot of research to find reputable spiritual guides like Kyle Gray Angel specialist that I learned a lot over many years of training I gained so much knowledge. Then John Holland a psychic I have done a few courses with over the years.
I had noticed over the years I have been always interested in gemstones and crystals and rocks for some reason. I would pick them up when camping out bush and take them home. Their beautiful colours resonate with me the way, the light shines on them revealing so much inner beauty, from Mother Earth.
The energy that some of these beautiful crystalline structures have is quite amazing. The way the colours can change when put in the sunlight or moonlight.The heat the crystals can generate. I have also noticed over the years the different energy and feeling the crystals activate within the body.
I have done a Certified Crystal Energy Guide which taught me how to clear, recharge and set intentions for crystals both raw and cut. This did not make me a guru or a specialist in this area, I just have kept studying and adding knowledge to my personal spiritual growth. Also, love the energy that flows from crystals. Some of the energies of some of these crystals are absolutely mind-blowing for all them people who understand what I’m talking about.
As a Crystal therapist, I balance the Chakra system within our body. Removing the excess energy that may be causing other health issues. I also have a great team of angelic beings and ascended masters that I connect to for much of my guidance.
I have so many different types of crystals, I feel the energy that they hold. I have found that I have started to feel the energy of these beautiful structures from the heart of the earth through my daily connection to spirit or meditation. With that also I have been guided to all forms of spiritual guidance in my life just recently. With the use of sound, colour and 100% percent essential oils. I have also been able to channel star beings and spiritual guides with the ability of light language which I use to hold space to heal myself and others. with the clairs being activated through most meditations.
This has led me to where I am today. Seeing how I can hold space for others to heal, with the use of different spiritual tools I have added to my talents such as oracle cards. With that also I have found an interest in tektites, meteorites, and moldavite Lybian Dessert Glass. These precious gifts from the universe and the earth are here to guide us. They also hold unique energy.
I have found a connection also with the Chakra system we all have in our bodies. Although some people still have not recognized these energy systems within our bodies. So, I began to research down the rabbit hole of universal energy which led me to be able to connect with spirit through meditation. Up until now, I relied on other types of healing from the mainstream but not anymore.

Mother Earth provides all the nutrition and energy that our body requires through plants, herbs, and fruits. Combine this with crystal healing therapy and channeling energy.
Now, this is what I can offer. As many of us are now awakening to the truth of Crystal energy healing or alternative therapy. The reason for my life on earth was to help guide and heal people from physical, mental, and spiritual issues in their lives. As I have found people are looking for guidance with this. A bridge between spiritual realms.
So as a guide here are some of the talents, I have been given to help others. I speak light language (this is a language of spirit or Angels) and also write light codes. If you have not heard of this it is fine. We are all on an individual journey in life, it’s our path. With our individual lifestyles and beliefs. I am not religious I am spiritual.
Angel card reading (oracle cards) and also angel connection with psychic abilities. Advice on how to heal your body with chakra rebalancing nutritional information from many years of experience. Guided meditation, also small changes in your life that will improve your health of not only your body but your mind as well. As mindset in this day and age needs to be clear otherwise, we lose track of our goals and dreams.
So once again thank you for visiting my page and feel free to share this. Help change your own life or a family member or even a friend’s. By booking a consultation with me in person, or paying it forward with a gift voucher for my ethically sourced crystals. I love to guide you on your life’s journey.
Much love and gratitude for you all
Alan G